Stripline Slot Antenna
A stripline slot consists of a narrow rectangular slot cut in the top stripline ground plane, with the slot excited by proper positioning of the center conductor below the slot. A linear resonant array of collinear slots may be fed by a single center conductor, with this conductor centered under each slot at the proper angle. Abstract: Slot apertures in metallic ground planes are very attractive candidates for conformal antenna applications. However, a low-profile unidirectional antenna requires a backreflector close to the slot aperture and the resulting stripline feed causes strong excitation of parallel-plate modes.
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters>2006>5>1>319 - 322
journal ISSN : | 1536-1225 |
journal e-ISSN : | 1548-5757 |
DOI | 10.1109/LAWP.2006.878894 |
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Stripline Fed Slot Antenna
Marchais, C.
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Le Ray, G.
Microstrip Slot Antenna
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Sharaiha, A.
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
ultra wideband communicationantenna radiation patternsslot antennastime-domain synthesisultra wideband antennaslinear radiated far-field phasestripline slot antennaUWB communicationsradiation behaviortime-domain responseimpedance bandwidthultrawideband (UWB) antennaStripline antennatime-domain characterization
ultra wideband communicationantenna radiation patternsslot antennastime-domain synthesisultra wideband antennaslinear radiated far-field phasestripline slot antennaUWB communicationsradiation behaviortime-domain responseimpedance bandwidthultrawideband (UWB) antennaStripline antennatime-domain characterization
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Stripline Slot Antenna